Mission Statement
Motivated solely by the gospel, our mission is to equip, encourage and empower women to apply a level of faith, that reflects the love of Christ to every area of their life.
Our Vision:
To see women, place greater value on, and embrace her God-given purpose, while living a life that is pleasing to The Lord.
Our Goals:
To assist every woman, acquire the skills and tools required to grow as Daughters of Sarah with virtue and honor, submitting ourselves to Jesus and holding each other accountable, so that we may help one another grow in Christ.
To be a conduit of the Holy Spirit through which women of every race, culture and nationality will be ignited to walk in the ways of The Lord.
To create an atmosphere where the heavy heart of a woman can find a place of refuge, wisdom and strength to continue in hope as she walks through life.
To enhance our self-esteem, self-image and self-confidence as we uncover and tap into our divine purpose, value, gifting, talents and abilities; to make us a better individual.
To cultivate and manifest the blessings and promises of God for our lives, spiritually, martially, financially, vocationally, relationally, physically and mentally, through workshops and networking
Join the first and third Thursday of every month @7pm. All are welcome!
For more information please email info@miraclearena.ca or call our toll free number 1-800-807-7617.